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Dr. Bautista: Well, Kimika came to us several months ago from Mississippi. They were looking for a facility where they need to provide hemodialysis and full ventilation support. And very few facilities in the country can provide that. We are lucky to have something like that here in Warren, Ohio. And we provide not only the rehab aspect, but also dialysis in-house, and 24-hour ventilatory support as well. So, when she came to us, she had a very lengthy stay with us. There were good days and bad days, but something about Kimika is, she always had a very positive attitude. She always had her cell phone to communicate with her people all around the country and was always interacting with the folks over here. So, eventually, she was able to pass a lot of bumps on the road, and having a positive attitude, and working on rehab every single day. we were able to bring down the ventilation needs, and we were finally able to take the tracheostomy, which is the artificial tubing, out last week. And she can tell you more by herself, in her own voice.
Kimika: Yes, it was a nice experience. I feel like I never had. That’s why I say, this is the place to bring your loved one that’s on a trach, has a vent, needs dialysis, because they work with you hands-on. They are very thorough with their work, they make you feel comfortable. You don’t feel like you’re in a nursing home, you feel like you’re in a home setting. And it was really nice here. Candace, the respiratory therapist, I love her.
Kimika: If I hadn’t come here, I would probably be still on the vent, with the trach, not doing anything.
Dr. Bautista: Well, I think it’s a combination of our staff here and yourself. I mean, having the positive attitude like, ‘You know what? This is not my last stop. I’m still a young woman, I have things to do, watch me.’ And that’s what she was. She was always ready to go. We learned more from her, she gives more than we give her. And we’re blessed to have you here, Kimika.
Kimika: I’m blessed to be here. I am.
Dr. Bautista: God bless you. Take care.