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Healthcare Blog

The Importance of Staying Active in Senior Care Facilities

The demographic and background of the seniors currently residing in post-acute and long-term care facilities is vastly important in providing customized and individualized care. The majority of residents and patients in these facilities are of the baby boomer...

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The COVID-19 Strain on Seniors

Most everyone is suffering from COVID-19 fatigue these days. The Corona Virus has been rampant in the United States since March and, as a result, most areas have been in some form of quarantine and/or lockdown. This has been difficult for everyone, but, with the...

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COVID-19-caused kidney injuries heighten demand for dialysis

Article by: Alicia Lasek Published in McKnight's Long-Term Care News. Read the article in full by following this link: https://www.mcknights.com/news/clinical-news/covid-19-caused-kidney-injuries-heighten-demand-for-dialysis/ A large number of coronavirus patients are...

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