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How Pulmonary Rehab Helps You Breathe

This article was written by Editorial Staff on March 13, 2016 and posted to the lung.org website. To view the full article on the American Lung Association website follow this link: https://www.lung.org/blog/pulmonary-rehab-helps-breathe For many patients diagnosed...

May is Better Speech and Hearing Month

This article was written on May 15, 2023, on the ALS.org website. View the full article on the als.org website: https://www.als.org/northern-ohio/stories-news/may-better-speech-and-hearing-month The speech language pathologist, commonly called speech therapist, has an...

COVID-19: Theirrien’s Story

This article was written on the John Hopkins Medicine wesbite on August 18, 2020. Read the full article on the John Hopkins Medicine website: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/covid-19-theirriens-story “It was so emotional when...